
Region I Arabian Horse Association
Meeting Minutes-

Call to order: At 6:00 PM
Roll Call: was confirmed by those in attendance on the Zoom conference call

Executive Board: Director; Kathy Callahan Smith, Vice Director; Debbie Price; Treasurer; Ann Whitley, Secretary; Carol Spangler, Past Director; Mimi Gaffey.

8 Delegate(s) - This does not include the Executive Board: Laurie Henkle, Christine Lawson, Joan Lawson, Leslie Smith, Diana Bein, Joann Harlan, Ted Lange, and Sheri Odom, 0 Alternate(s), 2 Guest(s) – MaryAnn Hughes, Bill Hughes

Minutes: No Corrections: Leslie made a motion to approve the minutes from the Nov 14, 2020 meeting. Sheri – 2nd, Minutes were approved by attendees

Director's Comments: Kathy gave us updates and discussed the following topics

a. USEF membership renewal - when renewing your membership be sure to update where your main interest lies.
By selecting Arabian first, that causes money to go back to AHA from USEF

b. AHA show 2021 qualifications – no qualifications will be required for Regionals and Nationals for 2021. A new
qualification structure will be put in place for 2022 and 2023 based on participation at shows. The details
are still in process and will be finalized during 2021.

c. Donations for Region One?
1. AHDF/AHF– A motion was made by Sheri to donate $500 each to AHDF and AHF, Ted made the 2nd
Discussion: Kathy pointed out that AHF gave out $38000 in scholarship, $10k toward research. Motion passed
2. $25 gift cards - Kathy donated 2 - $25 gift cards for convention gift cards

Virtual Convention: Kathy
a. 294 delegates have registered, and 89 guests.
b. Town Hall video for voting/Convention is on AHA website. Grit will be used for Friday Awards and Saturday general session. VVoter will be used for delegate voting on nominees and resolutions.

Resolutions: Kathy reported that in all the committee meetings she had attended, all the resolutions had been

approved by the committees. Each resolution was reviewed in case there was any additional discussion needed.
Nominations: Discussion was opened up on the candidates running for the executive committee.

Next meeting – 2021 – date to be determined.

Hearing no objections, meeting was adjourned at 6:49 PM

Submitted Respectfully by

Carol Spangler

Region 1 Secretary


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